It takes less than 30 seconds to break into a vehicle and to grab any valuables. In this time you could be ordering a meal, texting your mom or a friend, or even reading the first sentence or paragraph of this article.
Most thieves are opportunistic and will go for the easy ‘smash and grab’. They don’t want confrontation, they just want to grab your valuables and to get away as quickly as possible.
While we can’t provide a 100% prevention guarantee, there are common sense ways to help you deter and potentially prevent your car from being broken into.
With this in mind, here are our Top Ten Tips to help you prevent your car from being broken into:
Remove or Hide Your Valuables
Thieves will peek into windows, and if they see it, they will want it. So, if your able to regularly remove valuables from your vehicle when it’s not in use, the better.
The obvious and most common valuables they can see are…
- Phones, MP3’s or other small electronics. These items may also have charging chords, so eliminating all devices and the charging cords from plain site will make it appear as those items are not in the vehicle.
- Purses or Wallets may be put in the center console of a vehicle or on the front passenger seat or floorboard. Keep those on you and don’t leave them in the vehicle. Your personal information and credit cards may be the target and then you’ll have more to deal with than just a few items you’ll need to replace.
- Shopping bags – groceries or other. This is a huge flag that says that these items are new and already purchased. You have money and can buy more, thieves will take these items right out of your vehicle and it may look like they purchased the items as they are walking away.
- Key’s, Coins and other items seen are all an opportunity for a thief to take.
Park in Busy Well-Lit Areas
- There is safety in numbers, so whenever possible park where there is plenty of traffic. If there is a lot attendant, that helps also.
- Well-lit area or near a lamppost whenever possible. This is not just for the safety of the items that may be in your vehicle, but also for your own personal safety.
Security System
Install a Security System and Advertise It.
Activate it whenever you leave the vehicle unattended. Sometimes we forget to active those alarms, and any deterrent is helpful to bring attention to a break-in in progress.
Tint the Windows or Block Them
Tint windows as permitted by local laws. If a thief can’t easily see into the vehicle, he will most likely move on and not want to spend any more time then necessary.
Make the Stereo Less Attractive
If the stereo looks expensive, they will take it. Many new aftermarket car stereos have removable faceplates. Don’t forget to remove the faceplate. Doing so will make the idea of stealing the stereo unappealing as they won’t have the entire stereo to steal.
Lock the Doors and Roll-up Your Windows When Parked
This is the most common sense of all tips, but it serves as a reminder. Locked doors and rolled up windows add seconds to a break-in. These precious few seconds may give pause to a thief who may break-in.
Use the Trunk Rather Than the Glovebox
The glove compartment (glovebox) does serve a purpose, but once a thief breaks into a car, they often go through the center console and glovebox to see if there are any more valuables. Placing your valuables in the trunk keeps them out of sight.
Never Leave Your Car Unattended If It’s Running
Besides being an easy way for your entire car to be stolen, it is also against the law in most localities. That quick run back into the house or into a store that takes you ‘just a minute’ – can change your entire day if it only takes a thief 20 seconds.
Plan Your Routes When Traveling and Avoid High Crime Areas
Avoiding higher crime areas may not be possible, but do what you can to be safe.
Be Aware of Your Surroundings
This is the first and last line of defense in preventing items from being stolen from your vehicle and also for your own personal safety. Sometimes just being aware if there are suspicious people or activities happening around you may help you make the right decision at that moment.
Be diligent in your efforts utilizing these 10 steps to prevent car theft, and there is a good chance for your safety and that of the safety of your valuables may be secure.
[…] previously shared 10 Tips to prevent car break-ins. However, we know that no matter how much we try to prevent break-ins from happening, they still […]